
Friday, February 1, 2013

Some thoughts on a course on the history of Mathematics

What should be done in a "History of mathematics" course??

I did take such a course as a student, but never taught it.  However, it seems as it is NOT history of mathematics if you do not cover:

- solving the quintic
- doubling the cube, trisecting an angle, constructing an n-gon
- something from the theory of functions and theory of integration:  Legendre, Abel, Jacobi, Weierstrass, Riemann 

Indeed, I only understood the history of XVIII-XIX Europe after I had read the history of mathematics of that era.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry

Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry

Ideaja e ketij workshopi eshte te krijojme mundesine e prezantimit te degeve te teorise se numrave, gjeometrise algjebrike, teorerise algjebrike te numrave, etj per studentet nga viset shqiptare te cilet jane te interesuar ne keto dege.

Synimi eshte qe nje workshop i tille te organizohet cdo vit ne nje ambjent te qete larg qyteteve dhe qendrave universitare.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Disa pyetje per qeverine e ardhshme.

Zgjedhjet e vitit 2013 po afrohen.  Dhe padyshim do te jene nga zgjedhjet me te rendesishme te periudhes pas vitit 1992.

Flitet shume ne shtyp dhe mediat elektronike per problemet e ndryshme te shoqerise sone ne prag te ketyre zgjedhjeve. Bindja ime personale eshte se asgje nuk mund te rregullohet ne Shqiperi ne qofte se nuk rregullohet sistemi arsimor.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry

Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry

Ideaja e ketij workshopi eshte te krijojme mundesine e prezantimit te degeve te teorise se numrave, gjeometrise algjebrike, teorerise algjebrike te numrave, etj per studentet nga viset shqiptare te cilet jane te interesuar ne keto dege.

Synimi eshte qe nje workshop i tille te organizohet cdo vit ne nje ambjent te qete larg qyteteve dhe qendrave universitare.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Graduate Students

Graduate Students

A word of advice to the potential graduate students

Information for Graduate Students

More detailed Information for Graduate Students

Here is some more detailed information for graduate students who intend to work in the area of algebraic geometry and its subareas (algebraic curves, thetanulls, Jacobians of curves, moduli spaces, Hurwitz spaces, etc)Below are a few suggested books to cover the preliminaries. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Suggestions for the Math Department at Oakland University

Suggestions for the Math Department at Oakland University (work in progress)

During these difficult times financially for Oakland University we are suggesting some ideas of how we can improve effectiveness of our teaching, save money, and increase the visibility of the mathematics department.

Sunday, October 28, 2012